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Spain: Decreased purchase of houses by non-Spaniards


According to figures provided by Spanish notaries, the number of houses purchased by non-Spaniards in the first half of 2020 decreased by 32.395% compared with the same period last year, a decrease of 37.4%, which is the lowest level in six months since 2013, while that of British buyers decreased 41.1%, to 3917 people. 


As a result, for the first time since 2009, British nationals did not represent the group with the most nationalities and were replaced by the comprehensive category of “other countries outside the EU”.

From January to June, foreign buyers accounted for 17.3% of all purchases, which is roughly in line with recent reports, but the decline in the UK’s figures means that Britons only accounted for 2.1% of total purchases. 


At the same time, the areas where foreign purchases have fallen the most are usually coastal areas, with Comunidad Valenciana falling 42.2%, Canaries falling 42%, Murcia falling more than 35%, Catalan and Balearicians. 




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Explore Albania: Top Attractions and Activities in Tirana

Tirana, the capital city of Albania, is a vibrant and rapidly developing destination that has a lot to offer to tourists. Here are some of the top attractions and things to do in Tirana: Skanderbeg Square: This is the heart of Tirana, and it’s a great place to start your exploration of the city. The […]

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Italy Europe Lifestyle

Indulge in Bomboloni: A Scrumptious Way to Kickstart Your Day with Flavorful Bliss

Bombolone (Pl. Bomboloni) is a type of Italian pastry that is similar to a doughnut or a Berliner. It is typically a round or oval-shaped pastry that is deep-fried and filled with various fillings such as jam, custard, Nutella, or cream. Bombolone is a popular snack or breakfast item in Italy, and it can be […]

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