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Spain: First flying taxis in Barcelona


Enaire, the Spanish air navigation authority, has announced plans to start showing flying taxis in Barcelona and Santiago de Compostela in 2022. 


“We need to move urban mobility to the third dimension: airspace. The director of the bureau, Ángel Luis Arias, said at an online conference this week that we need to be as efficient and sustainable as possible To do this. 


Arias said that Enaire is working on European projects that involve the use of taxis and other aircraft to move people in urban and semi-urban areas, and the use of drones to transport goods. 


He added: “Enaire, as a listed company in the Ministry of Transport, Transport and Urban Agenda, is willing to perform its duties to attract and help any private company or public organization interested in making Spain position itself in this new sector. 


” Enaire participates in Horizon 2020, the EU’s largest research and innovation program to date. These two projects are funded by the EU. One is led by the European Air Navigation Safety Organization and the other is led by the multinational technology company Everis. 


Enaire said in a statement: “If both projects are planned to show air taxis in Europe in 2022,” “Enaire will manage the first flights of air taxis in Spain in Barcelona and Santiago de Compostela that year. .” 


In recent years, companies such as China’s Ehang and German aviation startup Volocopter have successfully carried passenger drones. Last July, Spanish technology company Tecnalia launched a prototype of an unmanned single-person air taxi. This taxi can carry people or load up to 150 kilograms, cruise altitude is between 100 meters and 300 meters, and can cover 15 kilometers in 15 minutes. 


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