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Vienna Christmas lights 2020 switched on

Since tonight, many shopping districts in Vienna have once again shined in the glory of Christmas. 


The chairman of the Vienna Chamber of Commerce Walter Ruck and the mayor Michael Ludwig once again carried out a traditional Christmas light-on operation on Eisen-Platz stock in the city centre-this year is The scale caused by corona is small.

“With Christmas lights, Vienna entrepreneurs not only set an example in this year’s Christmas atmosphere, but also set an example for regional shopping, personal advice and a variety of products. At the same time, the lights of Christmas also express our city Unity and optimism,” said Ruck.


 “The funding for the Christmas lights comes from the companies (shopping street association), the City of Vienna and the Vienna Chamber of Commerce. The shopping street club receives 50% of the funding.

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Indulge in Bomboloni: A Scrumptious Way to Kickstart Your Day with Flavorful Bliss

Bombolone (Pl. Bomboloni) is a type of Italian pastry that is similar to a doughnut or a Berliner. It is typically a round or oval-shaped pastry that is deep-fried and filled with various fillings such as jam, custard, Nutella, or cream. Bombolone is a popular snack or breakfast item in Italy, and it can be […]

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