According to data from the Institute of Film Audiovisual (ICA), due to the covid-19 pandemic, these data reflect the “severely restricted year of the year” for film development, and its restrictions “severely affect the normal operation of cinema venues.”
ICA shows that by 2020, the number of movie theater audiences will reach 3.77 million, and in 2019, movie theater ticket sales will be 15.5 million. Box office revenue was 20.4 million euros, a quarter of the 2019 figure, and total annual revenue was 83.1 million euros.
Although still provisional data, the data showed an overall decrease of 75%, which confirms that 2020 is at least the worst year for movie screenings in theaters, at least because ICA systematized the statistics reported by exhibitors.
In 2020, due to the imposing confinement order in Portugal, the cinema and all cultural activities of the audience will be closed from mid-March to early June.
The reopening took place gradually over the next few weeks, but the decline in audience numbers and income varied between 60% and 90% each month, which was attributed to the decrease in consumption in Portugal, the reduction in screenings or the provision of screening films.