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Rome: Iconic Palazzo Colonna Gallery reopens


Due to Italy’s covid-19 restrictions, Galleria Colonna was temporarily closed to tourists on Saturdays and is now available for private visits from Monday to Friday upon request. 


The palace (Palazzo Colonna) has been the home of the noble Colonna family for eight centuries. The Palazzo Colonna is a palatial block of buildings in central Rome, Italy, at the base of the Quirinal Hill, and adjacent to the church of Santi Apostoli. It is built in part over the ruins of an old Roman serapeum, and it has belonged to the prominent Colonna family for over twenty generations. 


  It has a collection of outstanding private artworks, including works by  Lorenzo Monaco, Domenico Ghirlandaio, Palma the Elder, Salviati, Bronzino, Tintoretto, Pietro da Cortona, Annibale Carracci (painting of The Beaneater), Guercino, Francesco Albani, Muzianoand Guido Reni. 


Ceiling frescoes by Filippo Gherardi, Giovanni Coli, Sebastiano Ricci, and Giuseppe Bartolomeo Chiari celebrate the role of Marcantonio II Colonna in the battle of Lepanto (1571). An Apotheosis of Martin V was painted by Benedetto Luti. There are frescoed apartments completed after 1664 by Crescenzio Onofri, Gaspard Dughet and Pieter Mulier II (nicknamed “Cavalier Tempesta”). Other rooms were frescoed in the 18th century by Pompeo Batoni and Pietro Bianchi. 


The main gallery (completed 1703) and the masterful Colonna art collection was acquired after 1650 by both the cardinal Girolamo I Colonna and his nephew, the Connestabile Lorenzo Onofrio Colonna. 


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Italy Europe Lifestyle

Indulge in Bomboloni: A Scrumptious Way to Kickstart Your Day with Flavorful Bliss

Bombolone (Pl. Bomboloni) is a type of Italian pastry that is similar to a doughnut or a Berliner. It is typically a round or oval-shaped pastry that is deep-fried and filled with various fillings such as jam, custard, Nutella, or cream. Bombolone is a popular snack or breakfast item in Italy, and it can be […]

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