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Spain: Andalusia’s tourism industry will grow by 6%


Tourism Minister Juan Marin said he believes that, following the “disastrous” last year, Andalusia’s tourism industry will grow by 6% this summer. 


He said: “The data we received yesterday indicate that reserves have increased in June, July and August. Through this project, we will emphasize the safety of destinations and reposition the Andalusian brand.” 


Mr. Marin said that Andalusia received only 13.3 million tourists last year, while the number of tourists received in 2019 was 32.5. 


He added: “Employment data is depressing, tourism activities are decreasing, travel agency business is down 86%, accommodation business is down 80%, air transportation business is down 70%, and the hotel industry is down 52%.” 


The politician explained that Andalucia is taking steps to attract more tourists, including updating the Andalucia brand, which has not been updated since 2016, at a cost of 3 million euros.

Things To Do Albania Holiday Travel

Explore Albania: Top Attractions and Activities in Tirana

Tirana, the capital city of Albania, is a vibrant and rapidly developing destination that has a lot to offer to tourists. Here are some of the top attractions and things to do in Tirana: Skanderbeg Square: This is the heart of Tirana, and it’s a great place to start your exploration of the city. The […]

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Ultimate One Day Tour Guide: Explore Barcelona’s Top Attractions

Here’s a possible one-day itinerary for a tour of Barcelona: Morning: Lunch: Afternoon: Evening: Of course, this is just one possible itinerary, and there are many other things to see and do in Barcelona. But hopefully, this gives you a good starting point for planning your own one-day tour of the city. Enjoy your trip! […]

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Italy Europe Lifestyle

Indulge in Bomboloni: A Scrumptious Way to Kickstart Your Day with Flavorful Bliss

Bombolone (Pl. Bomboloni) is a type of Italian pastry that is similar to a doughnut or a Berliner. It is typically a round or oval-shaped pastry that is deep-fried and filled with various fillings such as jam, custard, Nutella, or cream. Bombolone is a popular snack or breakfast item in Italy, and it can be […]

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