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Spain set to restore nightlife in some regions


Spain wants to restore nightlife clubs in areas with a lower prevalence of coronavirus in time for the summer season, as the country looks to rebuild its seriously devastated foreign tourist sector, according to health officials.


The ministry of health will propose to regional governments that bars and nightclubs that have been shuttered since August 2020 be allowed to reopen until 2 a.m., and restaurants to stay up until 1 a.m.

The new rules also apply to beach eateries, which will be permitted to have 50 percent of their capacity indoors and another 10% if enough ventilation is provided.

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With a 1.5 meter gap between tables, outdoor terraces can accommodate a maximum of six people within and ten people outdoors.


Health officials may also authorize events with a capacity of 2,500 to 10,000 people, depending on the region’s epidemiological status.


In the first four months of 2021, Spain welcomed 1.8 million international tourists, a decrease of 82.6 percent from the 10.6 million visitors registered in the same time the previous year.

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However, as the infection rate has slowed and vaccine coverage has increased, the Government has moved to relax restrictions on overseas visitors.

All immunized persons will be able to enter Spain without limitations starting June 7.

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