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Spain: Covid travel rules and entry requirements


Spain is a popular tourist destination for many types of travelers, with everything from sandy beaches to busy cities and delectable tapas. 


If you’re planning on visiting Spain, be sure you’re familiar with all of the entrance criteria.



Spain’s Prime Minister, Pedro Sanchez, stated in May that the country would be “more than pleased” to welcome British visitors back.

Start saving your ideas

In October 2020, the Spanish government proclaimed a State of Emergency, which was removed in May 2021 across the country. The remaining limitations, on the other hand, varied by location.


In Spain, social separation of 1.5 meters is still enforced.


Face masks are no longer required to be worn outside in Spain, however they must be worn in the following situations:

In a confined public area (shops, restaurants, hotels)

Indoors, in a mixed-household environment

Taking public transportation

When you’re out in the open and can’t keep your distance from other people,


These restrictions do not apply to those who are unable to wear a mask due to medical reasons, but fines can be imposed on anybody who breaks them without good reason.

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 The cheapest nicest hotels in Spain. View deals on Tripadvisor  


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