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Only 20.1 percent of Italians are graduates


According to ISTAT, just 20.1 percent of the Italian population aged 25 to 64 had completed a university degree in 2020, compared to 32.8 percent in the European Union.

The percentage of adults with a high school graduation was 62.9 percent, according to the national statistics bureau.


Despite being 0.7 percentage points higher than in 2019, it was still well below the EU 27 average of 79 percent.



Education has long been a major core of Italian culture; after all, Italy is home to one of the world’s oldest universities, the University of Bologna.

Tuition rates at public universities are usually relatively low, ranging between EUR 850 and 1000 per year.

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Scholarships and bursaries, on the other hand, are available for students who need them, and can be obtained through the institution or the student government.

ItaliaRail 728x90

The cost of attending a private university is usually much higher.

European Unionstudents will also benefit from cheaper tuition fees.

When it comes to living expenses, the average monthly cost is between EUR 1000 and 1500. Save Big on Cheap Flights



The cheapest nicest hotels in Florence for October 2021:


Hotel Grifone Firenze   Check Prices

c-hotels Joy    Check Prices

ḤỌṬẸḶ ṾẸṆẸṬỌ ! Centro Storico di Ƒirenze       Check Prices

Hotel Eden    Check Prices

Uffizi + Accademia Pass in Florence, €51.00  Click here

Boboli Gardens + Florence City Audio Guide! Special Price: €21.85, Click here

Leonardo da Vinci Interactive Museum® Florence: Skip The Line! Click here 


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