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Portugal uses Covid19 vaccination success to attract German tourists


Tourism Minister Ana Mendes Godinho said Portugal is using “every trump card”, even a successful Covid19 vaccination, to attract German tourists to the country.

Germany is one of Portugal‘s main tourism markets, with revenues of nearly 2 billion euros, six million overnight stays and 1.5 million arrivals in 2019. So it’s no surprise. However, when the government wants to entice German tourists back. Enjoyed this post? Never miss out on future posts by following us.

“Portugal is using all the strengths at its disposal. We are playing with a full match,” the foreign minister told Lusa News Agency this week after a three-day series of meetings in the German cities of Frankfurt and Düsseldorf.

“We use vaccination rates, which, as we know, are among the highest in Europe. We use a strategy for the tourism sector, created in 2017, based on the pillars of sustainability. We are taking advantage of being the first country in the world to have a seal of health security and have trained more than 170,000 professionals in the field during the pandemic,” added Marques.

In meetings with airlines, tour operators and the German press, Rita Marques stressed the importance of “creating a confidence-enhancing context” 20 months after the pandemic.

“We don’t just want numbers, we want to make a positive contribution to the greater distribution of German tourists in our territory (…) We don’t want them to come here only in high season, we I am working very hard on seasonality . And we want them to have increasingly authentic experiences,” the secretary said.

Government officials say it’s time for tourism to go up again.

“Instead of being scared, we need to actively monitor the situation. We are in a very different place than we were 20 months ago when the pandemic was identified. We have vaccines, very high vaccination rates and very useful European certificates,” said Marques.

The foreign minister also acknowledged that German tourists are often “very demanding” and “have a great thirst for appropriate experiences” that go beyond the “sun and sea” products for which Portugal is best known. She added that the government is working to offer German tourists these alternatives.

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