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Things To Do Europe Italy

Italy: Palermo in the Spring

Palermo in the spring can be a wonderful experience. The weather starts to warm up, with temperatures ranging from the mid-60s to mid-70s Fahrenheit (around 18-24 degrees Celsius) during the day, making it a great time to explore the city’s outdoor attractions. The famous markets of Palermo, such as Ballarò and Vucciria, are bustling with […]

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Europe: Housing market demand to remain high

  According to the European Central Bank (ECB), property demand is expected to remain high in the coming months, as 4.5% of households plan to buy in the near term. “Families’ decision to buy a home depends on many factors, including job and financial stability, income and wealth, their expectations of the overall level of home […]

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Europe battles to Keep the Delta variant at bay

  Germany‘s health minister ramped up his call for as many people as possible to obtain the Covid-19 vaccine, despite evidence that the immunization campaign is losing momentum across Europe.   Jens Spahn made the announcement on Wednesday, as the delta variant’s expansion threatens to unleash a fresh wave of viral infections across the European […]

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EU Europe

EU relaxes travel restrictions for US travelers

  Despite fears about the spread of potentially deadly coronavirus variants, the European Union has relaxed travel restrictions for Americans, marking the next step toward normalcy. The United States, along with Albania, Hong Kong, Lebanon, Macau, the Republic of Northern Macedonia, Serbia, and Taiwan, was added to a so-called “white list” of nations from which […]

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Europe EU

EU: Seven countries start issuing COVID-19 Passports

Seven EU Member States have gone live with the European Union’s technological method for verifying the security elements contained in the QR codes of all EU Digital COVID Certificates, a month ahead of the deadline for implementation.   Bulgaria, Czechia, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Croatia, and Poland have linked to the gateway and begun issuing the […]

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EU Europe

EU: Poverty ”significant factor” in COVID-19 expansion

  According to the findings of a recent report undertaken as part of the ESPONinitiative, which specializes in EU regional policy studies, poverty is “a significant factor” in the geographical expansion of COVID-19 in several regions of Italy, France, Germany, Ireland, and the United Kingdom.   The study plots the pandemic’s spread through Europe and […]

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EU Europe

European Union files new lawsuit against AstraZeneca

  On Tuesday, the European Union filed a new complaint against AstraZeneca, alleging that the firm violated a procurement deal for COVID-19 vaccines, which may result in financial penalties. After taking action against AstraZeneca at the end of April over delayed vaccine deliveries, the EU has filed a second complaint against the company. The EU’s […]

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EU Europe

EU countries start rolling out single dose J&J vaccine

  Following Europe’s drug regulator’s approval of Johnson & Johnson‘s coronavirus vaccine this week, some EU member states are beginning to prescribe the single-dose injection, with some imposing age limits, as with the AstraZeneca vaccine. Spain’s regional health officials began administering the shot to people aged 70 to 79 on Thursday, only two days after […]

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