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Italy Portugal

Portugal: Italian Mafia boss arrested in Lisbon

  Francesco Pelle, the boss of Calabria’s Ndrangheta mafia, was arrested in Lisbon on Monday after 14 years of fleeing.  Pelle, 43 years old, was captured by Carabinieri in a clinic in the Portuguese capital, where he was treated for COVID-19. He had gone on the lam in 2007.   The Ndrangheta is a well-known […]

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Italy resumes use AstraZeneca Covid vaccine

  Prime Minister Mario Draghi tried to reassure Italians about the AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine on Friday evening, which had been suspended this week until it was declared safe, saying he would vaccinate himself.  “I haven’t booked yet, but my health age group belongs to those who can be vaccinated. Yes, I will be vaccinated with […]

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Italy unemployment rate rose in 2020

  The pension and social security agency INPS said on Thursday that compared with December, the number of employees in Italy in December decreased by 660,000 compared with the same month in 2019, when the number of activations and terminations of new contracts had been calculated. INPS stated that the net number of people engaged […]

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Italian pharmacists authorised to give Covid-19 jabs

  Italian pharmacists will give COVID jabs while more than 5,000 people have obtained the necessary qualifications.    About 5,174 pharmacists across the country have completed the necessary courses, and another 2,800 are completing the course. The Ministry of Health said on Thursday that in the past 24 hours, Italy had 24,935 new cases of […]

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More than 2 million COVID-19 vaccines administered in Italy

  The Ministry of Health said on Monday that 200,391,391 people in Italy have been fully vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine and have received the first and second doses.    It pointed out that so far, people have been injected with 6,715,732 doses of vaccine, accounting for 85.1% of the 7,891,990 doses distributed to regions […]

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Italy suspends use of AstraZeneca vaccine

The Italian Medicines Agency AIFA suspended the use of AstraZeneca vaccine nationwide on Monday as a preventive measure until the European Medicines Agency and several other countries make a ruling.    At the same time, the Carabinieri NAS health police began to seize the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine from a batch that officials from the northern […]

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Greece Italy Lifestyle

Is it true that Greeks invented Pizza before Italians?

  Historical evidence shows that the Greeks ate a flat bread called πλακούς (plakous), or “flat” bread, topped with olive oil, herbs, onions, cheese, and garlic, and baked in a tandoor.    Greek pizza adapted by the Romans who naturally adopted the idea of baking speckled bread in the oven after putting the ingredients of […]

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Italy under red zone during Easter holiday

From April 3 to 5, the Italian government designated almost the whole country under“red zone” for COVID-19. This period includes Easter Sunday and Easter Monday, as Prime Minister Draghi’s government has agreed with the regional government on the new restrictions.    There were talks with other local authorities. The Draghi government implemented a new system […]

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